Yahoo Groups Power User Program

Yahoo recently announced Yahoo! Groups Power User Program. According to Yahoo -

"This program rewards the owners and moderators of some of our top Groups. You have dedicated a lot of time to making your group great, and now we want to give you something in return.
As a first benefit, you now have free access to 24-hour online customer care chat support. To access this service, visit our Contact Us page and look for the Chat with us live now link. "

I think it is an important and very useful step for promoting Yahoo Groups. I maintain quite a few popular yahoogroups and sometimes lack of direct support becomes a little irritating. I appreciate Yahoo for this initiative.

More details on the Yahoo Groups Power User Program can be found at - In case you want to know whether you are power user or not, check this out -

"You’ll get an email welcoming you to the program! If you didn’t get this email and you’d like to check to see if you’re in the program, click the Contact Us tab at the top of any Yahoo! Groups Help page, and look for Chat with us live now. If you see the link, Congratulations! — you’re a Power User. If you don’t see it, you’re not currently in the program"

There is also a yahoo group on this topic at


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