
Showing posts from June, 2008

Average AdSense CPC (Cost Per Click)

Was wondering what is the average cost per click (CPC) people get using Google AdSense and found a good poll on digital point forum . You might be knowing that it is not permissible to disclose your earnings as per Google agreement.

Blogs & Websites in Year 2015

In year 1993, we used to have almost static websites. Then a time came, around 1996-1997, when we started having dynamic websites using technologies like ASP and ColdFusion. Then there came a time when we had an content management system integrated out of box with your websites using Wikis and Blogs. I believe that we are still in this era of blogs and wikis and I wonder how it is going to be for the future? How will be my website in year 2015? I believe in 2015, my website will be having at least following characteristics - 1. It will be having a portal integrated, so I'll be able to create communities and do twittering on my own domain. Instead of going to FaceBook, Twitter and tons of other websites, you will find all those features on my website itself. 2. It will be written in altogether a new UI, may be a very advanced version of Flex and Flash. Flash 25.0? The thin client (browser) will definitely become fat. I doubt that HTML will be the primar...

Blog Optimization Tips & Techniques

This is a very nice post. It has documented most of the tips that I learnt by myself from my five years of blogging, with ofcourse few new points. Check it out - 25 Blog Optimization Tips

Twitter in India

Now-a-days I am very closely monitoring social networking and emerging trends. One of of the recent success stories of social networking is Twitter is your own messaging channel to stay connected and keep other posted about whatever you want. Your posts are limited to 140 characters. People can use it in various ways, but the one way by which it is becoming very popular is as micro blogging. Instead of writing a detailed post on blog, you can just write a quick 140 characters post (called tweets) and share with your friends, family members and everybody you want. The advantage it has over blogging is that, it is very simple to use. Now coming back to the actual point, Twitter has yet to gain the major ground in India. Twitter is very popular in US and Europe, but yet to gain popularity in India. It doesn't mean that it is not being used in India, rather seeing the potential in India it is extremely under used if we compare it with other social networking website like ...

Free Vedic Horoscope

Continuing from my last post, I want to inform my readers that it is also not required to buy astrology software, if you want to cast a birth chart, also called kundali or kundli in India. The website provides a detailed web-based astrology software absolutely free. You even need not to register on the website and you can cast detailed horoscope. everything that you will find in an Astrology software like Parashara Light, Varahamihira, Goravani Jyotish, and Leo Gold etc. Here is the URL - Free Vedic Horoscope

Free Online Horoscope Matching

I have found that not many people are aware of the fact that they can match the birth charts online absolutely free using Vedic astrology principles like Ashtakoot Gun Milap (North Indian equivalent to ten porutham) and Manglik Dosha (Mangal Dosha) on our website . is not merely a website, but it is a full flagged online astrology software. In absence of something like, you had to rely upon commercial software worth thousand of rupees or get your matching done through some outside agency. Now it is as easy as supplying birth details and do the marriage matching by yourself. Here is the direct link to Horoscope Matching page - Free Online Horoscope Matching on