Free Online Horoscope Matching

I have found that not many people are aware of the fact that they can match the birth charts online absolutely free using Vedic astrology principles like Ashtakoot Gun Milap (North Indian equivalent to ten porutham) and Manglik Dosha (Mangal Dosha) on our website is not merely a website, but it is a full flagged online astrology software. In absence of something like, you had to rely upon commercial software worth thousand of rupees or get your matching done through some outside agency. Now it is as easy as supplying birth details and do the marriage matching by yourself. Here is the direct link to Horoscope Matching page -

Free Online Horoscope Matching on


Musik Masti said…
Hi Puneet...Happend to come your blog. Wanted to inform you that the URL was AstroSage doesnt work.
prakash said…
dear mr punit
I congratulate you for posting a site like but I request you to kindly look into the longitude and latitude of different birth places,since I have a doubt about the place "bargarh" which is in orissa. Most of the service providers and the official sites provides its data as 83:37E and 21:20N respectively . Whereas it is something else in the data provided by astrosage. I may be wrong but thought to bring this to your notice for reference n action.

best regards

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