Switch Back to Old Facebook Design

Facebook has once again become the center of criticism of its users. This time the bone of contention is its new design. Around 1.7 million users worldwide are not happy with it and they’ve formed this group to show their disapproval. Actually, the new design of Facebook is meant to give the Twitter feel and provide more space for advertisements. New and old design, both have their pros and cons. But as far as Facebook is concerned, it has ridiculed the demand of switching back to older one. But if you have become habitual of the older design and want to keep using that, here’s an easy trick for you. You can get your dear old Facebook back in just three easy steps: Add the “Facebook Developers” application ( from here ) Click on “Go to application” and close the page Follow this link It’s simple, isn’t it? Those who adore older Facebook should try it out. Although, I rather prefer the new design myself. (Courtesy: www.hindi2.com )