
Showing posts from 2007

Books on Ayurveda

A comprehensive list of books on Ayurveda can be found at

Ayurveda Notes on Rasa and Dhatu

Signs and Symptoms of vitiated tissues (Dhatus) Restlessness, palpitation, cardiac pain, exhaustion without cause, irritation by loud noises, haemoglobin deficiency, roughness and dryness of skin. Muscle (mamsa) - cracking joints, eye Fat (medas) - lassitude, overly thin constitution, exhaustion, falling hair, nails, teeth, loose joints Bone (asthi) - thinness, weakness, bone, lightness, Vayu bone diseases weakness, and dry mouth Marrow (majja) - pallor, lassitude Reproductive - exertion, impotence, non-ejaculation of semen Essence (ukra) Sapta (Seven) Dhatus and their functions: Rasa (fluid) Dhatu - Derived from the digested food, it nourishes each and every tissue and cell of the body and is analogous to the plasma. Rakta (blood) Dhatu - Regarded as the basic of life, it is analogous to the circulating blood cells. It not only nourishes the body tissues, but provides physical strength and colour to the body. Masma Dhatu - The muscle tissue, its main function is to p...

Must Read Books On Spirituality

I understand that no book is needed for attaining the ultimate. Though these are few great books that may guide you on your spiritual path. Here are my favorites - "I Am That" by Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj "The First And The Last Freedom" by Jiddu Krishnamurti "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (The Book Of Secrets)" Part I by Osho "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (The Book Of Secrets)" Part II by Osho

Buddha Boredom

Feeling bored. Want to change it, want to change it with doing something interesting, something fun, something cool .. check this out - Something strange is happening. I begin to like this undercurrent of boredom that runs through my life. It is part of my life, no, it is my life! Looked at from one side it is boredom; seen from the other it is sheer s p a c i o u s n e s s. My excitements, my activities are small islands in a vast ocean of boredom-spaciousness. Islands come and go – the ocean is. Why would I want to fill this boredom space with something to do? Is it not beautiful and perfect? It was its emptiness that scared me. But it is not only empty, it is also spacious. And this spaciousness is wonderful, like sitting on a mountain peak with nothing around but translucent blue space. So let there be spacious boredom! Full Book - Buddha was utterly bored. He left his kingdom when he was only twenty-nine, at the peak of his yout...

Dowsing, The Paranormal Witching

My exploration to western books is continuing. Recently I started a book on Dowsing, the psychic ability to find water, gemstones, metals or other objects. This is nothing new in Indology and Indology has well developed process for this. The difference from Western dowsing and Indian dowsing is the reliance on the psychic abilities and intuitions. Indology has defined it in more detail and supported it with some other branches of Indology. Also all such topics converge to each other. Whereas in western world all such psychic branches are independent to each other. Also normally we have some detailed process involved to develop these psychic abilities, but in Western world, they have just-do-it kind of approach. Around ten years back, unknowingly, I tried few of dowsing methods and found that the objects were responding to my queries. I remember how the crystal was moving just by the directions of my mind. Though I believe, at that initial level, these were my more my bodily response to...

Learning Wicca & Witchcraft

Last few months, being in America, given me the opportunity to exlore various new subjects. I am a person with deep interest in spirituality and mysticism. Being in US, I got opportunity to study about the subjects that are not very common in India e.g. Wicca, Paganism, Neopaganism, Witchcraft, Voodoo, Tai Chi, I Ching, Buddhism, Tibetan Tantra & Yoga. One reason that I was able to study these subject is sufficient availability of time and great network of libraries that makes books on variuos subjects esily accessible. So coming to the Wicca, what is Wicca? Wikipedia tells us that Wicca is a nature-based religion found in various countries throughout the world. It was first popularised in 1954 by Gerald Gardner , a retired British civil servant. He claimed that the religion, of which he was an initiate , was a modern survival of an old witchcraft religion, which had existed in secret for hundreds of years, originating in the pre- Christian Paganism of Europe . Wicca is thus so...

Pranayama in Hatha Yoga Pradipika

This is what Hatha Yoga Pradeepika says about Pranayama - On Pranayama Posture becoming established, a Yogi or Yogini , master of himself or herself, eating salutary and moderate food, should practice pranayama , as instructed by his or her guru. Respiration being disturbed, the mind becomes disturbed. By restraining respiration, the Yogi or Yogini gets steadiness of mind. So long as the (breathing) air stays in the body, it is called life. Death consists in the passing out of the (breathing) air. It is, therefore, necessary to restrain the breath. The breath does not pass through the middle channel ( susumna ), owing to the impurities of the nadis . How can then success be attained, and how can there be the unmani avastha . When the whole system of the nadis which is full of impurities, is cleaned, then the Yogi or Yogini becomes able to control the Prana . Therefore, Pranayama should be performed daily with satwika buddhi (intellect free from raja and tam...

Hatha Yoga Literature/ Original Text

Normally I like reading the original text, rather than the books written later-on on the subject. Now-a-days I am practicing Yoga and hence was looking for ancient literature on yoga. I found this URL useful for knowing about the original literature - Hatha Yoga Literature It tells about following five texts - 1. Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika - the monther of all texts on hatha yoga. 2. Goraksha-Shataka - probably the second most important text 3. Shiva-Samhita 4. Yoga-Sutra and Yoga-Bhasya - mostly deals with raja yoga; this is the text from where all hatha yoga text is drawn 5. Sat-Chakra-Nirupama - mostly deals with chakra awakening Please let me know in case I am missing some important text here.

Enterprise Portal Podcast

In the SharedInsights conference, I talk about key issues in portal arena like the need for portlets marketplace, lack of enterprise search and collaboration applications in the portal space etc. Please check out the podcast here.

How to Make Millions with Domain Registration

Business 2.0 magazine recently published an interesting article on Kevin Ham who made millions of dollars ($300 million) with domain registrations. Check this out - Kevin Ham, the $300 million master of Web domains

Share Market Predictions based on KP System

Shri Sunil Gondhalekar, editor Nakshatrache Dene - a famous Marathi magazine on KP System, has shared some very useful experience on Stock Market predictions. Here is a brief - I consider Jupiter as main source for the overall trend of market I look at it's starlord/sublord/and sub's starlord Also i consider mercury as a key planet for weekly position same as Jupiter If, someone is connected with Mars, Hershal, Jupiter then teji is indicated If connected to Saturn, Mandi is observed If connected with Neptune, Mandi with some fraud observed If connected to Rahu, volatility is observed If connected other planets other than mentioned, regular teji/mandi If connected with pluto, big fall in market More details can be found at this KP Astrology Discussion Thread .

Sanskrit - English Dictionary

While studying Indology subjects, you need a good dictionary for understanding Sanskrit words. I found this dictionary useful -

Fortuna And Other Arabic Parts

In our KP System discussion forum , we are having an intense discussion on the fast moving point 'Fortuna' (also called Pars Fortuna or Part of Fortune). Shri K. S. Krishamurthi, the inventor of KP System, mentioned about Fortuna in the second reader, but he really didn't given much detail. The application and examples are also missing. While doing some googling, I found this article very useful. Please check it out.

Commentaries on Classical Literature of Ayurveda

I was searching commentaries on various classical literature of Ayurveda. I personally found that going thorough the recent commentaries are the best and the easiest way to learn the subject. There are lots of books available both by Indian authors and Western authors, but I don't find them useful enough, especially when you have the original text available with you. I also didn't find any good book either by Western or an Indian that shows their experience. So, after doing some googling on Internet, I found following list that looks very good to me - S.No Name of the Text Book Author/Commentator Year of Publication 1. Sushrutarthsandipan Bhasya Harana Chandra Chakravarthy 1908 2. Charakopaskar Yogindranath Sen (Calcutta) 1920 3. Charakapradipika Jyotishchandra Saraswati (Calcutta) 20th Century 4. Nighantu Ratnakar Duttaram Chaube (Mathura) -do- 5. Commentary on Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Kalika & Bhaisajya Ratnavali Jaideo Vidyalankar 1970 6. Commentary on Charaka Sushrut...

Dangers of Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga

Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga, if not performed properly, can be very dangerous. Pandit Gopi Kishan has written a good book about it. I have also found a good discussion on AyurvedaOnline forum that can be found here .

Correct Way Of Performing Neti

1 JALANETI - (CLEANSING OF NASAL PASSAGE BY USE OF WATER) Contraindications : Blocked nostrils. Salt not to be used if a person is suffering from hypertension or if salt is contraindicated for any other reason. Materials Required : Jalaneti cup, glass/tumbler, body-warm potable water, common edible salt, spoon and a napkin. Saline water should be prepared by adding half a teaspoon of salt in half a litre body-warm water. Adjust the quantity of salt and temperature of water as per needs. Technique : Stand comfortably, preferably before a basin or in a bathroom. Alternatively, sit on a chair or squat in the open space. Fill the Jalaneti cup with saline water. Hold the filled cup in the left palm, keeping four fingers outside and thumb towards the body. Hold the cup firmly fixing middle finger and thumb in the depressions provided on the respective sides of the Jalaneti cup. Bring the chin towards chest and tilt the head suitably towards the right side. Insert the spout of the Jalan...