Signs and Symptoms of vitiated tissues (Dhatus) Restlessness, palpitation, cardiac pain, exhaustion without cause, irritation by loud noises, haemoglobin deficiency, roughness and dryness of skin. Muscle (mamsa) - cracking joints, eye Fat (medas) - lassitude, overly thin constitution, exhaustion, falling hair, nails, teeth, loose joints Bone (asthi) - thinness, weakness, bone, lightness, Vayu bone diseases weakness, and dry mouth Marrow (majja) - pallor, lassitude Reproductive - exertion, impotence, non-ejaculation of semen Essence (ukra) Sapta (Seven) Dhatus and their functions: Rasa (fluid) Dhatu - Derived from the digested food, it nourishes each and every tissue and cell of the body and is analogous to the plasma. Rakta (blood) Dhatu - Regarded as the basic of life, it is analogous to the circulating blood cells. It not only nourishes the body tissues, but provides physical strength and colour to the body. Masma Dhatu - The muscle tissue, its main function is to p...