1 JALANETI - (CLEANSING OF NASAL PASSAGE BY USE OF WATER) Contraindications : Blocked nostrils. Salt not to be used if a person is suffering from hypertension or if salt is contraindicated for any other reason. Materials Required : Jalaneti cup, glass/tumbler, body-warm potable water, common edible salt, spoon and a napkin. Saline water should be prepared by adding half a teaspoon of salt in half a litre body-warm water. Adjust the quantity of salt and temperature of water as per needs. Technique : Stand comfortably, preferably before a basin or in a bathroom. Alternatively, sit on a chair or squat in the open space. Fill the Jalaneti cup with saline water. Hold the filled cup in the left palm, keeping four fingers outside and thumb towards the body. Hold the cup firmly fixing middle finger and thumb in the depressions provided on the respective sides of the Jalaneti cup. Bring the chin towards chest and tilt the head suitably towards the right side. Insert the spout of the Jalan...