
Showing posts from April, 2007

Sanskrit - English Dictionary

While studying Indology subjects, you need a good dictionary for understanding Sanskrit words. I found this dictionary useful -

Fortuna And Other Arabic Parts

In our KP System discussion forum , we are having an intense discussion on the fast moving point 'Fortuna' (also called Pars Fortuna or Part of Fortune). Shri K. S. Krishamurthi, the inventor of KP System, mentioned about Fortuna in the second reader, but he really didn't given much detail. The application and examples are also missing. While doing some googling, I found this article very useful. Please check it out.

Commentaries on Classical Literature of Ayurveda

I was searching commentaries on various classical literature of Ayurveda. I personally found that going thorough the recent commentaries are the best and the easiest way to learn the subject. There are lots of books available both by Indian authors and Western authors, but I don't find them useful enough, especially when you have the original text available with you. I also didn't find any good book either by Western or an Indian that shows their experience. So, after doing some googling on Internet, I found following list that looks very good to me - S.No Name of the Text Book Author/Commentator Year of Publication 1. Sushrutarthsandipan Bhasya Harana Chandra Chakravarthy 1908 2. Charakopaskar Yogindranath Sen (Calcutta) 1920 3. Charakapradipika Jyotishchandra Saraswati (Calcutta) 20th Century 4. Nighantu Ratnakar Duttaram Chaube (Mathura) -do- 5. Commentary on Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Kalika & Bhaisajya Ratnavali Jaideo Vidyalankar 1970 6. Commentary on Charaka Sushrut...

Dangers of Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga

Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga, if not performed properly, can be very dangerous. Pandit Gopi Kishan has written a good book about it. I have also found a good discussion on AyurvedaOnline forum that can be found here .

Correct Way Of Performing Neti

1 JALANETI - (CLEANSING OF NASAL PASSAGE BY USE OF WATER) Contraindications : Blocked nostrils. Salt not to be used if a person is suffering from hypertension or if salt is contraindicated for any other reason. Materials Required : Jalaneti cup, glass/tumbler, body-warm potable water, common edible salt, spoon and a napkin. Saline water should be prepared by adding half a teaspoon of salt in half a litre body-warm water. Adjust the quantity of salt and temperature of water as per needs. Technique : Stand comfortably, preferably before a basin or in a bathroom. Alternatively, sit on a chair or squat in the open space. Fill the Jalaneti cup with saline water. Hold the filled cup in the left palm, keeping four fingers outside and thumb towards the body. Hold the cup firmly fixing middle finger and thumb in the depressions provided on the respective sides of the Jalaneti cup. Bring the chin towards chest and tilt the head suitably towards the right side. Insert the spout of the Jalan...