
Showing posts from April, 2010

Klinnk – The PayPal of India?

Today I come to know that TimesOfMoney, the company behind many payment and money transfer services including, has announced . According to the information – “Klinnk is a revolutionary new way to manage one’s online transactions in India. Klinnk users could either be individuals or merchants looking out for a more safe, secure and faster way of processing online transactions. Klinnk is a bank neutral offering to the Indian customers over Internet with many features like Klinnk on Mobile, IVR, SMS and Prepaid Cards to be rolled out in future.” Like PayPal, there is no Setup or AMC (Annual Maintenance Cost). There is only TDR (Transaction fee) of 3.5%. Transaction fee looks in line with PayPal who charges “2.9% transaction fee + $0.30 USD.” Like PayPal they also have merchant solutions. Let us wait and see how does it fair?

Death of Old School RT and New Rules of the Twitter Game

What is ReTweet ‘Retweet’ in Twitter is somewhat equivalent to ‘Like’ in Facebook. If you liked a Tweet or want to share it with your followers, you can Retweet it. ReTweet is also referred as “RT” in Twitspace. We can define ReTweet as “To repost another user's message on Twitter with giving credit to him” Old and New School ReTweet Initially ReTweets (RT in short) started as an extension to “Replies”. So if I have to ReTweet your tweet, I take your tweet, embed “RT @your-twitter-usrename” in the tweet and again Tweet it. The original author of the Tweet, can see the new Tweet in his Replies/ Mentions section. Later Twitter realized that it is not the most efficient way of ReTweeting and so they introduced a new method of ReTweeting which was quicker but had lesser control. On the Web Interface, you can just click on ReTweet and Voila, you are done. You have shared the post on your Twitter and also given credit to the original author. Disadvantages of New School RT But not...