Twitter in India

Now-a-days I am very closely monitoring social networking and emerging trends. One of of the recent success stories of social networking is Twitter is your own messaging channel to stay connected and keep other posted about whatever you want. Your posts are limited to 140 characters. People can use it in various ways, but the one way by which it is becoming very popular is as micro blogging. Instead of writing a detailed post on blog, you can just write a quick 140 characters post (called tweets) and share with your friends, family members and everybody you want. The advantage it has over blogging is that, it is very simple to use.

Now coming back to the actual point, Twitter has yet to gain the major ground in India. Twitter is very popular in US and Europe, but yet to gain popularity in India. It doesn't mean that it is not being used in India, rather seeing the potential in India it is extremely under used if we compare it with other social networking website like Orkut. Knowing the fact that Twitter can work well with mobile phones and can be used for sending tweets 'using SMSs' & 'as SMSs', I believe soon it is going to beat Orkut as the most popular social networking platform. Indian public is the most SMS (Text messages) savvy public I have seen anywhere and that is the reason I think that we are not far from the day when we will see Twittering everywhere in India.

Twitter itself understand this potential to some extent and as a result of that recently they have given India a local SMS number (5566511). Having this SMS number means Indians will not have to pay international charges for making post. More information on this local code can be found on Twitter blog here.

Don't forget to follow me on Happy Tweeting!!!


Anonymous said…
Hey Punit,

You may find this useful:

You can post to twitter via our 10 digit non-premium number.


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