Blogger 'Followers' Integrates With Friend Connect Now

Blogger had 'Followers' gadget for quite some time which allows you to get updates of other blogs on your blogger dashboard. This is a quicker way than RSS reader to get updates from your frequently read blogs. Now blogger has integrated this feature with Google Friend Connect, another Google service. With this integration, you will not only be able to follow blogger blogs, but also any blog which uses Google Friend Connect service. You can follow a blog using Google, Yahoo, AIM or OpenID account.

Google Friend Connect is an open platform which allows you to create community on your blogs and websites and engage visitors. Now with this feature, you can either publicly or privately follow any blog. If you follow any blog publicly, you profile photo will be visible on that blog. If you are aware of, it looks another way to counter which is a Yahoo product. This also have a new Google profile integrated which is also quite similar to MyBlogLog. MyBlogLog, ready for the challenge?

If you use blogger, you can simply add 'Followers' gadget to your blog to utilize this feature. If you use some other blogging platform (like wordpress and yahoo), you can go to the and add code of 'Members' gadget to your blog. (you will get quite a few other Gigya type of widgets on Friend Connect website)

Also, before leaving don't forget to follow my blog (true, bloggers are selfish). The 'followers' gadget can be found on the right most column of this blog. Please please please follow me. I know you find this blog useless, still follow me for the sake of utilizing this sexy gadget :-)


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