Google Drive: Quick Notes

Today Google introduced much speculated Google Drive using this blogpost - Some said that it is brilliant product and other rejected it saying that it is just a dropbox clone.

Here are my quick notes -
  1. It is not available to all. It still is a limited release. It looks like it is available to the users who purchased paid storage for GMail. 
  2. It is also available to Google Apps users. Though I am not able to download PC app from my Google Apps account. I guess PC app is not available for Google Apps yet. Though after downloading PC apps from my regular GMail account, I was able to sign-in using Google Apps account. 
  3. Android app has crossed 5,000,000 downloads. Quite quick. That tells that Google Drive is an instant success. 
  4. It has SDK/ API available, so you can write your own apps. It looks like send faxes, edit videos and create website mockups apps are already out using those APIs.
  5. If you have purchased storage for GMail, it will be available to Google Drive as well.
  6. Google Drive announcement also impacted Google Docs and GMail. Free storage for GMail has been increased to 10GB and 5GB to Google Docs. 


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